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发布时间:2016-04-15  浏览次数: 信息来源 作者














研究方向: 哺乳动物胚胎和干细胞工程,生殖生物学,动物生物技术
个人简历: 华进联,博士,西北农林科技大学动物医学院/陕西省干细胞工程技术研究中心研究员,西北农林科技大学临床兽医学/动物生物技术/基础兽医学研究方向博士生指导教师。 受教育经历 2006.8 -2007.8 被国家留学基金委员会公派到澳大利亚新南威尔士大学医学院从事博士后研究 2001.9-2005.7 西北农业大学动物科技学院,获临床兽医学专业博士学位 1998.9-2001.7 西北农业大学动物科技学院,获临床兽医学专业硕士学位 1990.9-1995.7 西北农业大学动物医学系,获农学学士学位 研究工作经历 2011.1至今 西北农林科技大学动物医学院研究员 2010年11月 被聘为博士生指导教师 2006年6月 被聘为西北农林科技大学硕士生指导教师 2009年12月 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 2006.1-2010.12 西北农林科技大学动物医学院副研究员 2001.1-2005.12 西北农林科技大学动物科技学院助理研究员
代表性论著: 发表论文120余篇, 其中以第一作者或通讯作者(*)在《Plos One》、《Stem Cells and Development》、《Reproductive BioMedicine Online》、《Cellular Reprogramming》、《Cell Proliferation》、《Journal of Cellular Biochemistry》、《Theriogenology》、《Animal Reproduction Science》、《Histology & Cell Biology》、《Molecular Biology Report》、《Tissue & Cell》等SCI论文近40余篇。 近期发表的主要论文(*为通讯作者) 如下: (1) Wu J, Zhu H, Song W, Li M, Liu C, Li N, Tang F, Mu H, Liao M, Li X, Guan W, Li X*, Hua J*. Identification of conservative MicroRNAs in saanen dairy goat testis through deep sequencing. Reprod Domest Anim, 49(1):32-40, 2014. (2) Yu M, Mu H, Niu Z, Chu Z, Zhu H, Hua J*. miR-34c enhances mouse spermatogonial stem cells differentiation by targeting Nanos2. J Cell Biochem, 115(2):232-242, 2014. (3) Tang F, Yao X, Zhu H, Mu H, Niu Z, Yu M, Yang C, Peng S, Li G*, Hua J*. Expression pattern of Ngn3 in dairy goat testis and its function in promoting meiosis by upregulating Stra8. Cell Prolif, 47(1):38-47, 2014. (4) Niu Z, Hu Y, Liao M, Yu M, Zhu H, Wang L, Wu J, Bai C, Li G*, Hua J*. Conservation and function of Dazl in promoting the meiosis of goat male germline stem cells. Mol Biol Rep. Jan 30. [Epub ahead of print], 2014. (5) He X, Song W, Liu C, Chen S. Hua J*. Rapamycin inhibits acrolein-induced apoptosis by alleviating ROS-driven mitochondrial dysfunction in male germ cells. Cell Prolif, doi: 10.1111/cpr.12091,2014. (6) Wang L, Zhu H, Wu J, Li N, Hua J*.Characterization of embryonic stem-like cells derived from HEK293T cells through miR302/367 expression and their potentiality to differentiate into germ-like cells.Cytotechnology. Oct 5. [Epub ahead of print], 2013. (7) Li M, Liu C, Zhu H, Sun J, Yu M, Niu Z, Liu W, Peng S, Hua J*. Expression pattern of Boule in dairy goat testis and its function in promoting the meiosis in male germline stem cells (mGSCs).J Cell Biochem, 114(2):294-302, 2013. (8) Song W, Zhu H, Li M, Li N, Wu J, Mu H, Yao X, Han W, Liu W, Hua J*. Promyelocytic leukaemia zinc finger maintains self-renewal of male germline stem cells (mGSCs) and its expression pattern in dairy goat testis.Cell Prolif, 46(4):457-468, 2013. (9) Bai Y, Yu M, Hu Y, Qiu P, Liu W, Zheng W, Peng S, Hua J*.Location and characterization of female germline stem cells (FGSCs) in juvenile porcine ovary. Cell Prolif, 46(5):516-528, 2013. (10) Li M, Yu M, Liu C, Zhu H, He X, Peng S, Hua J*. miR-34c works downstream of p53 leading to dairy goat male germline stem-cell (mGSCs) apoptosis. Cell Prolif, 46(2):223-31, 2013. (11) Zhu H, Liu C, Li M, Sun J, Song W, Hua J*.Optimization of the conditions of isolation and culture of dairy goat male germline stem cells (mGSC). Anim Reprod Sci, 137(1-2):45-52, 2013. (12) Wu J, Song W, Zhu H, Niu Z, Mu H, Lei A, Yang C, Peng S, Li X, Li G*, Hua J*. Enrichment and characterization of Thy1-positive male germline stem cells (mGSCs) from dairy goat (Capra hircus) testis using magnetic microbeads.Theriogenology,80(9):1052-1060, 2013. (13) Li M, Yu M, Zhu H, Song W, Hua J*.The effects of Nanos2 on Boule and Stra8 in male germline stem cells (mGSCs). Mol Biol Rep, 40(7):4383-4389, 2013. (14) Qiu P, Bai Y, Pan S, Li W, Liu W, Hua J*. Gender depended potentiality of differentiation of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells into oocyte-Like cells in vitro.Cell Biochem Funct, 31(5):365-73, 2013. (15) Li M, Yu M, Liu C, Zhu H, Hua J*.Expression of miR-34c in response to overexpression of Boule and Stra8 in dairy goat male germ line stem cells (mGSCs).Cell Biochem Funct, 31(4):281-288, 2013. (16) Niu Z, Hu Y, Chu Z, Yu M, Bai Y, Wang L, Hua J*.Germ-like cell differentiation from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).Cell Biochem Funct, 31(1):12-19, 2013. (17) Qiu P, Song W, Niu Z, Bai Y, Li W, Pan S, Peng S, Hua J*. Platelet-derived growth factor promotes the proliferation of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Cell Biochem Funct, 31(2):159-165, 2013. (18) Mu H, Wu J, Zhu H, Li N, Tang F, Yao X, Yang C, Peng S, Li G*, Hua J*. The function of Msx1 gene in promoting meiosis of dairy goat male germline stem cells (mGSCs).Cell Biochem Funct, 31(8): 629-635,2013. (19) Zhu H, Liu C,Sun J,Li M, Hua J*. Effect of GSK3 inhibitor on the proliferation of multipotent male germline stem cells (mGSCs) derived from goat testis. Theriogenology. 77(9):1939-50, 2012. (20) Qiu P, Bai Y, Liu C, He X, Cao H, Li M, Zhu H, Hua J*.A dose-dependent function of follicular fluid on the proliferation and differentiation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) of goat. Histochem Cell Biol, 138(4):593-603,2012. (21) Lv X, Zhu H, Bai Y, Chu Z, Hu Y, Cao H, Liu C, He X, Peng S, Gao Z, Yang C, Hua J*. Reversine promotes porcine muscle derived stem cells (PMDSCs) differentiation into female germ-like cells. J Cell Biochem, 113(12):3629-42, 2012. (22) Hu Y, Sun J, Wang J, Wang , Bai Y, Yu M, Lian Z, Zhang S, Hua J *. Characterization of female germ cells derived from mouse embryonic stem cells through expression of GFP under the control of Figla entitled. J Cell Biochem, 113(4):1111-1121, 2012, (23) Cao H, Chu Y, Lv X, Qiu P, Liu C, Hua J*. GSK3 inhibitor-BIO regulates proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells derived from fetal porcine pancreas(PMSCs). Plos one,7(2):e31502, 2012. (24) Zhang S, Sun J, Pan S, Zhu H, Wang L, Hu Y, Cao H, Yan X, Hua J*. Retinol (vitamin A) maintains self-renewal of pluripotent male germline stem cells (mGSCs) from adult mouse testis. J Cell Biochem, 112(4): 1009–1021, 2011(Cover). (25) Zhang S, Yu M, Liu C, Wang L, Hu Y, Bai Y, Hua J*.MIR-34c regulates mouse embryonic stem cells differentiation into male germ-like cells through RARg. Cell Biochem Funct, 30(8):623-32, 2012. (26) Hua J*, Zhu H, Pan Si, Liu C, Sun J, Ma X, Dong W, Liu W, Li W. Pluripotent male germline stem cells from goat fetal testis and their survival in mouse testis. Cellular Reprogramming, 13(2): 133-144, 2011. (27) Cao H, Chu Y, Zhu H, Sun J, Pu Y, Gao Z, Yang C, Peng S, Dou Z, Hua J*. Characterization of immortalized mesenchymal stem cells derived from fetal porcine pancreas. Cell Proliferation, 44(1):19–32, 2011. (28) Hua J*, Yu H, Liu S, Dou Z, Sun Y, Jing X, Yang C, Lei A, Wang H, Gao Z. Derivation, characterization of human embryonic germ cells: serum-free culture and potentiality of germ cell differentiation. Biomed Reprod Online, 2009, 19: 238-249. (29) Hua J*, Pan S, Yang C, Dong W, Dou Z, Sidhu KS. Derivation of male germ cell-like lineage from human bone marrow stem cells. Biomed Reprod Online, 2009, 19:99-105. (30) Hua J*, Yu H, Dong W, Yang C, Gao Z, Lei A, Sun Y, Pan S, Wu Y, Dou Z. Characterization of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from human fetal lung:Potential differentiation of germ cells. Tissue and Cell, 2009 41:448-455. (31) Hua J, Sidhu KS*. Recent advances in the derivation of germ cells from the embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells and Development, 2008, 17:399-411.
科研项目: 先后主持国家自然科学基金3项、教育部博士点基金(1项)、教育部重点科研项目(1项)、博士后基金等各类科研项目共计15项。
荣誉及奖项: 获陕西省科技一等奖2项(分别为第二名和第五名),二等奖1项,厅局级科技一等奖2项,获优秀论文奖4次,地区级先进科技工作者1次。
社会兼职: 中国生殖生物学会理事,中国兽医协会会员,中国畜牧兽医学会高级会员,中国生物工程学会会员,中国实验动物学会会员,中国细胞生物学会干细胞分会会员。《Plos One》、《BMC Biology》、《Reproduction》、《Stem Cell Reviews and Reports》、《Stem Cells and Development》、《Journal of Cellular Biochemistry》、《Molecular Biology Report》、《Regenerative Medicine》、《Future Medicine》、《International Journal of Biological Science》、《Reproduction in Domestic Animals》、《Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine》、《The Journal of Visualized Experimets》等20余个国际SCI杂志的特邀评审专家。国家自然科学基金(面上项目、重点项目等)、北京市自然科学基金、教育部出国留学回国人员科研启动费等项目的评审专家。
联系方式: -联系方式:E-mail:jlhua2003@126.com,jinlianhua@nwsuaf.edu.cn 电话:029-87080068
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